Saturday, December 24, 2022



Um, why singing?

Another one of those 'found-in-a-drawer' kind of things from a few years back...

....tonight I was remembering something I read a long time ago - and a dream I had back then. I had read an article about how some anthropologists had found evidence of a strain of Homo-something-or-other - something post cro-magnon but maybe pre-Homo Sapiens. They had lived in caves in the south of France. The article said that from the physical evidence the anthropologists had gathered and evaluated that this strain of humanoids (people) were actually a step up from what we eventually became. Larger brains, for one thing. Maybe evidence of other cultural achievements (pre-internet, pre-bronze age even, most likely).
So somewhere around the reading of this article I had a dream. An actual sleeping-eyes-closed dream thing. In the dream there was a person in a cave, lying on a stone carved-out bed thing and the person that was in the dream just raised his voice in song - very naturally, in a way that was clear to me was just a normal mode of expression - there might be things that called for other forms of communication, and some things that were just best expressed with a combination of melody, sounds, meter....whatever.
There are times when I feel that singing completes me in a way - hearing people sing touches us in a way that makes something feel whole. Sad songs, happy songs, silly's a mode of expression that we need and we miss it when we're away from it for too long.

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